Letter: Citizens on Patrol to collect condolences for fallen officer

In response to the recent tragedy in St Albert, early morning January 17th 2015, which resulted in the death of Cst. David Wynn, and serious injuries to Auxiliary Cst. Derek Bond, The Morinville Citizens on Patrol would like to invite all community members who wish to send their condolences, to drop off any notes, cards and/or letters at the Morinville Community Public Library.

Due to the high volume of condolences that will be received by the St Albert RCMP Detachment, and considering various formats that they will come in, this collection of notes, cards, etc. will be digitally copied and reformatted as actual photo books that will be delivered to the St. Albert RCMP Detachment for the families and for the St. Albert RCMP members and staff.

Please drop off no later than Wednesday, January 28th at the Morinville Community Public Library

– Morinville Citizens on Patrol