Town holding parks and trails open house

by Morinville News Staff

The Town of Morinville is holding a Parks, Recreation, Culture & Trails Master Plan Open House at the cultural centre’s Hall B Feb. 21 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will be a formal presentation at 7:15 which will be repeated at 8:15 p.m.

“Attendees will help prioritize recreation amenities on green spaces including the space around the new recreation facility,” said Morinville’s Communication Coordinator Felicity Bergman. “There will be a feedback form (also available online after the open house) for those who cannot attend; site planning exercise; static display panels; information about the new recreation facility and parks funding program.”

The purpose of the Town’s Master Plan, approved in the 2018 Budget, was to recognize significant changes in Morinville, including the development of two new school sites, the building of the recreation facility, as well as the inclusion of a culture component within the plan.

The plan is partially a result of a Town of Morinville survey conducted last summer in June.