by Stephen Dafoe
A Legal couple is planning the 2nd Annual Collin’s Carventure in partnership with the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. The event, taking place Saturday, May 9th, is described by organizers as a scavenger hunt thrill ride with nearly twenty stops and challenges around St.Albert and Edmonton.
Andrew and Jenessa Beaton raised $2,000 for the Stollery last year with the inaugural event because they wanted to give back to the hospital for helping their son, Collin.
“Our son, Collin, was born with a heart defect called double inlet left ventricle with pulmonary atresia and dextrocardia,” explained Andy Beaton. “Essentially, this means that he was born without a connection between his heart and lung. Because of this, he would not have lived more than a couple of days.”
Beaton said Collin he has had three open-heart surgeries since birth; the first at only four days old. In the future, he will require more surgeries and a heart transplant.
“The amazing doctors, nurses and staff at the Stollery Children’s Hospital have been nothing short of miracles, not only for Collin but for countless other children and families,” Beaton said.
The family’s gratitude prompted them to repeat of the event annually. Collin’s Carventure challenges teams with puzzles and riddles as they drive across the city. All money raised will go to the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.
With COVID-19 making social distancing a reality, the Carventure will look quite different this year.
“COVID-19 has caused us to completely restructure the format for this year’s Collin’s Carventure,” said Jenessa Beaton in an email interview with Morinville News. “Under normal conditions, we have had teams come early to mingle before the event and have had a little luncheon at the end for teams to discuss their experiences and award our prizes.”
Additionally, the inaugural event had hands-on challenges at each of the stops, something social distancing rules have made impossible.
“This year, given the current social distancing rules, we have had to go completely contactless,” she said. “We have switched from a paper clue and volunteer lead stop to an app that will allow teams to complete their challenges and collect their clues by simply pulling up to the predesignated spot according to their GPS coordinates.”

Participating teams will be awarded points for their challenges and completing the challenges at the stops.
Despite the changes, the Beatons will still be awarding prizes for the most money earned and for the first team to complete the carventure, as well as other prizes.
The couple is hoping people will take part in this year’s event and help them in their goal of raising money for the Stollery.
“Social distancing and self-isolating does not need to be boring and humdrum,” Jenessa Beaton said. “They can still get out with their families, in a safe and contained area, and do something that encourages teamwork, exploring Edmonton and St.Albert in areas that they may not normally visit. [It] is a fun and exciting way to give back to an amazing hospital that has given so much back to so many families.”
Beaton said they couldn’t have done it without the help and amazing support of Jaime Travers.
The deadline to register is Apr. 20. For more information, call 780-217-9780 or email CollinsCarventure@outlook.com.They also have a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/collinscarventure/.