Legal raises the Franco Albertan flag

Lucie Roy photos

Legal was one of several communities to raise the Franco-Albertan flag on Friday, 1 March.

The French-Canadian Association of Alberta adopted Jean-Pierre Grenier’s design for the Franco-Albertan flag in 1982. Featuring a white fleur-de-lys symbolizing Francophonie and French culture, a wild rose representing Alberta’s floral emblem, and blue representing the province, it also includes two diagonal bands symbolizing the waterways explored by French Canadian pioneers who settled here.

Due to the passing of the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, the flag-raising ceremony was not held at the town hall in order to respect protocols. Instead, the event took place a the Citadelle School with a video, song, and words from school Principal Mrs Magera, Town Council and ACFA. In attendance at the event were Town Councillor Fred Malott, Chantal Frechette, Vice-President of ACFA and Ernest Chauvet.

The flag raisings are part of  Rendez-vous de la Francophonie (RVF), an annual cultural event commemorating International Francophonie Day (March 20), which celebrates the French language and its diverse expressions across Canada.

Taking place from March 1 to 31, communities in the region have traditionally marked the occasion by hoisting the Franco-Albertan flag on March 1 as Legal did.

Ecole Citadelle Principal Mrs. Magera

ACFA Vice President Chantal Frechette

Town of Legal Councillor Fred Malott