Coming Up At Council

Morinville Town Council will meet at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10 with a light agenda. Council will discuss a number of matters. What follows is a preview of the agenda.

Pride Presentation

Morinville’s Pride Committee will present to Council on Why We Still Need Pride Events. Morinville Council is scheduled to raise the Pride Flag at 3 p.m., just ahead of the day’s meeting.

Business Expansion Request

Council is to vote on a request for a proposed expansion to Morinville Flooring to the west of the existing building, which aims to facilitate the storage of flooring products. This requires the removal of the business’ existing sea containers, which were permitted under Development Permit #DP015/2015. The development permit process for this project involves multiple steps, with the Council acting as the Development Authority for the Direct Control-Transition (DC-T) District, making the final decision on applications.

A Development Officer has completed the initial steps and is now making a recommendation to the Council.  According to Section of the Land Use Bylaw, once the Council carries a motion regarding the development permit application, the Development Officer will have the authority to issue the notice of decision in accordance with the passed motion.

However, the administration does not support this request for expansion as it does not comply with the Couer de Morinville Area Structure Plan.

Reports To Council

Council has three reports to Council to receive as information. The first is the CAO report, which includes an update from Community Services, plans for this weekend’s Festival Days, the forthcoming Canada Days celebrations, and National Indigenous Peoples Days.  Updates will also be provided on the Municipal Development Plan engagement as well as the Council Remuneration Review committee selection.

Deputy Mayor Jennifer Anheliger and Councillor Stephen Dafoe both filed written reports for their recent Council committee and board activities. Anheliger’s report outlines her work on Community Services Advisory Committee, Morinville Public Library Board and Northern Lights Library System as well as Bill 16’s impact on Libraries.

Councillor Dafoe’s report offers an overview of Arrow Utilities’ recent two-day Strategic Planning workshop retreat in St. Albert.


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1 Comment

  1. Please explain why would administration not want a business to expand? It brings in needed tax dollars. Sorry but just because it doesn’t fit a beautification project is no way to attract other businesses and stop a current business from expanding!

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