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Morinville News

Byfield seeks seat for Wildrose

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Wildrose candidate Link Byfield has been waiting for the provincial election since winning his party’s nomination 17 months ago. Byfield, who is perhaps best known as a journalist and publisher of Alberta Report for 18 years, received the party nod by acclamation in October of 2010… […]

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Morinville News

Kubinec ready to run for PCs

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Recently nominated Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock PC candidate Maureen Kubinec has been making preparations for the provincial election; her campaign office in downtown Morinville opened just prior to the writ being dropped Mar. 26, and she’s spent the past couple of weeks making the rounds in Morinville… […]

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Local News

Education matters to be resolved by new bill

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Legislation related to the future of non-faith-based education in Morinville passed first reading Wednesday, putting weeks of speculation to rest on just what three area school boards came up with to resolve the matter. Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk introduced The St. Albert and Sturgeon Valley School Districts establishments act in the Legislature Wednesday afternoon… […]

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Local News

Municipalities learn how much MSI funding they will receive

By Staff

Edmonton – A couple days after Alberta Urban Municipalities Association President Linda Sloan drew media attention for alleged comments on pork barrel funding of municipalities through the province’s Municipal Sustainability Initiative program, the province unveiled Thursday just how much Alberta communities are set to receive this year… […]

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Local News

Enbridge Northern Gateway comment sparks some debate

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – A letter of comment on the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project sparked some friendly debate among Morinville Town Council Feb. 14. Administration had asked council to approve a letter of comment to be submitted to the regulatory review process now underway on the $5.5 billion project that would allow bitumen to be piped from Alberta to the BC coast, there to be transported to emerging Asian markets… […]

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Province tables education act

By Staff

Edmonton – After a series of consultations with school boards, education stakeholders and Albertans, the province tabled and gave first reading to the Education Act Tuesday afternoon… […]

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Local News

Distracted driving the focus in February

By Staff

Morinville – Local RCMP will have their eyes open for those drivers whose eyes are anywhere but on the road. Each month law enforcement throughout the province focus on an different aspect of traffic safety and February has been designated as distracted driving month under the Alberta Traffic Safety Plan… […]

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Kubinec ready to run for PCs

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock PC members gathered in voting booths throughout the region Jan. 28 to elect their candidate to replace long-serving MLA Ken Kowalski. That victor was Westlock County Deputy Reeve Maureen Kubinec… […]

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Local News

Kubinec gets Barrheard-Morinville-Westlock PC nod

By Staff

Morinville – The region’s PC party members went to the polls in Barrhead, Morinville and Westlock Saturday to choose their candidate in the next provincial election. Westlock County Deputy Reeve Maureen Kubinec took the day… […]

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Local News

Morinville mayor enters PC constituency race

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Mayor Lloyd Bertschi announced Tuesday he was throwing his hat into the Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock PC Association race. The four-term mayor is hoping to receive the nod from the PC association when they vote Jan. 28 to replace long-serving MLA Ken Kowalski who announced Dec. 9 that he would not seek re-election when the election is called this spring… […]

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Residents get view of proposed overpass

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Area residents had the opportunity to see what the proposed Cardiff Road overpass will look like when it is completed a couple years down the road. Al-Terra Engineering, the company contracted by Alberta Transportation to design the overpass, held a public information session at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Monday to bring residents up to speed on the project and what it would look like… […]

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Kowalski to step down in spring

By Staff

Barrhead – Citing a need to take back his personal life, Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock MLA and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Ken Kowalski announced Friday morning he would not seek re-election in the next election. With that decision comes the end of Kowalski’s 33 years as an elected official… […]

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Local News

New impaired driving legislation passes

By Staff

Edmonton – Bill 26, the Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2011 passed Dec. 26, opening the door to increased penalties for those drink and drive. The comprehensive impaired driving legislation aims to keep drivers who drink from getting behind the wheel by changing behaviours through enforcement balanced with education, prevention and monitoring, according to the province… […]