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Local News

Champion champions local champions

By Morinville News Staff

Morinville – The Morinville Road Runners program has gone from strength to strength in recent years, growing from a handful of basketball players to more than 100 players this past season. Along the road, the Road Runners’ Midget Girls have accumulated three consecutive City and Provincial Championships and won more than 60 consecutive games… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Column: From the Desk of Mayor Paul Krauskopf

The recent Provincial Court ruling to stay violations tickets issued to Champion Pet Foods through a negotiated solution between Morinville and Champion was supported by Council. Council was made aware of the terms of the agreement, the legal opinion and recommendations from staff and supported the CAO in negotiating this agreement. It is important to understand that charges issued under a bylaw create a… […]

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Local News

CAO says decision to wave fines based on legal recommendation

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – In a joint press release issued Apr. 10, Champion Petfoods and the Town of Morinville announced they had found some common ground on odour mitigation. In consideration for Champion staying the course on their odour mitigation efforts, the Town would wave $5,400 in tickets Champion had been issued prior to making progress on reducing odour from the local plant.

Over the past week there have been questions raised by residents wanting to know just who on Council made the decision to wave the fines… […]

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Morinville News

Champion and Town of Morinville come to terms on odour

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – In a joint press release issued Wednesday evening, Champion Petfoods and the Town of Morinville announced they had found some common ground on odour mitigation.

In consideration for Champion staying the course on odour mitigation efforts, the Town will wave $5,400 in tickets Champion has been issued thus far…. […]

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Morinville News

Morinville’s Champion Petfoods finalist for major business award

By Morinville News Staff

Morinville – The Alberta Chamber of Commerce have identified Champion Petfoods LP as a finalist for the Alberta Business Awards of Distinction. Champion has been nominated and chosen as a finalist in the award’s Export Category. The company is also eligible for the Premier’s Award of Distinction… […]

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Morinville News

Morinville Councillor reveals by-election campaign contributions

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – One candidate in last summer’s municipal by-election told voters he supported local businesses, but disclosure information reveals he also had the financial support of one major local business. Councillor Sheldon Fingler has disclosed that Champion Petfoods donated $4,700 to his campaign bid for a seat on Council.

Under provincial legislation, all municipal candidates must disclose campaign donations within 90 days of the election. In response to a Morinville News inquiry ahead of that date, Fingler confirmed the local manufacturer donated the sum to his campaign, an amount $300 shy of the $5,000 maximum contribution allowed… […]

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Morinville sights and bites

Festival Champions
Champion Petfoods President and CEO Frank Burdzy presented Morinville Festival Society Chair Paul Smith with a $20,000 cheque Thursday afternoon, the first of five cheques. The local pet food manufacturer did a telephone survey this summer to help determine where it should be investing its community dollars. The overwhelming response from that survey and… […]

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Morinville News

Champion puts focus on employees after factory fire

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Champion has an extra workload ahead of them after an early-morning fire Saturday took out the company’s dryer in Kitchen 2. Morinville fire fighters were called to the local pet food manufacturer around 4:30 a.m. Sept. 8 where they discovered some extremely hot metal.

“Upon arrival the fire fighters discovered the large heater dryer was overheated and the sides… […]

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Morinville News

Champion Petfoods behind recent Morinville phone survey

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Champion Petfoods announced Wednesday it was behind a recent telephone survey of Morinville residents asking questions on local issues and concerns as well as levels of trust in current Council, business leaders and the media.

Champion’s President and CEO Frank Burdzy told Morinville News one of the reasons was to gauge where the company should be investing their community dollars… […]

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Morinville News

Champion opens its doors to Morinville

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Almost two years to the day after flipping the switch on a half million dollar piece of equipment that was to solve Champion Petfoods odour problems, the Morinville manufacturer opened their doors for three kitchen tours Wednesday, giving residents an opportunity to see the progress first hand. The tours were an opportunity for Morinvillians to not only see the company is serious about reducing the smell it releases into the air, but also an opportunity to get an inside look at how the product is made and to learn about the job opportunities available with the company… […]

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Morinville News

Enforcement will be pursued with Champion

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Despite what Morinville’s Chief Administrative Officer Debbie Oyarzun said was the best efforts on behalf of the Town to reach a compliance agreement with Champion Petfoods over outstanding odour issues, such an agreement has not been possible. Reading from a prepared statement to Morinville Town Council Tuesday night, Oyarzun said it is no longer recommended that the Town continue its ongoing forbearance… […]

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Morinville News

Champion compliance agreement targets May

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Two months after unanimously voting in favour of pursuing a compliance agreement with Champion Petfoods over outstanding odour issues, the document is yet to be signed by the two parties. It was anticipated both the Town of Morinville and pet food manufacturer would ink the agreement by mid-April.

Morinville’s Chief Administrative Officer Debbie Oyarzun told councillors during the Apr. 24 Council there had been some back and forth between Champion’s and Morinville’s legal advisors on the document that caused the delay… […]

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Morinville News

Champion Petfoods compliance agreement nearing completion

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – A compliance agreement between Champion Petfoods and the Town of Morinville is nearing completion, Council heard Tuesday night. Council had voted unanimously Feb. 14 in favour of pursuing a compliance agreement with Champion to resolve the outstanding odour issue. That agreement seeks mutual understanding between the two parties with respect to time lines on the ongoing issue… […]