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Local News

Public forum on public education provides answers

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – On the day Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division released their survey to gauge interest in non-faith-based education in Morinville, parents, residents and several people from outside the community filed into the Morinville Seniors’ Rendez-Vous Centre to hear a number of speakers talk about public education, what it is and how it can be achieved… […]

Local News

Parent delegation takes case to Morinville council

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – A delegation of Morinville parents requesting the Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) to follow the general provincial curriculum in Morinville schools rather than the Catholic separate curriculum brought their case to Morinville Town Council Tuesday night. The delegation, led by group spokesperson Donna Hunter, presented their case in an eight-minute address to Mayor and council, outlining not only their concerns as parents but what they feel should be the concerns of council…. […]

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Schools and youth

Catholic Women’s League to hold meeting on former education minister’s petition

By Staff

Morinville – The Catholic Women’s League will be opening their doors to the public Thursday evening for a presentation on how former Minister of Education Dave King’s petition to disestablish the province’s Roman Catholic and Protestant Separate Schools could affect Catholic education in Morinville and the province. The meeting will be held at the Morinville Parish Hall at 7 p.m.
