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Local News

Sturgeon School Division launches social media site

By staff

Sturgeon County – Sturgeon School Division has just launched a new social media site that they say may have finally solved the mystery of what students did at school on any given day… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Morinville parent writes to premier Redford re school issue

Premier Redford,

I was really excited to be attending a session at the legislature on Wednesday, November 30th, as I haven’t even been in the building since I was a child. I was even more excited because I, as one of the Morinville parents fighting for public education, was asked to attend and be formally introduced to the house by Education Critic Kent Hehr. Unfortunately, Minister Lukaszuk completely dodged the question from the opposition about when this issue… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Letter to the editor: Open letter to Minister of Education

Mr. Lukaszuk

I have been relatively silent regarding the status of public education in Morinville since your transition to give you time to acclimatize to your new portfolio. Given comments recently attributed to yourself in various press reports (Example used for this letter is the St. Albert Leader, although I note, with apologies to authors for lack of citation, similar statements in other publications) it seems to me that you have most certainly formulated your opinion on the matter. .. […]

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Local News

Local parents to receive civil liberties award

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – A group of Morinville parents are off to Calgary Nov. 29 to receive a civil liberties award from the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre. The award will be presented at the University of Calgary to Donna Hunter and other parents who fought for a non-faith-based education for their children in Morinville… […]

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Local News

Morinville Public Elementary School remembers

By S. Buga

Morinville Public Elementary School held its first Remembrance Day ceremony on the morning of November 8th at the Parish Hall. Morinville Mayor Lloyd Bertschi and Sturgeon School Division Superintendent Michéle Dick attended the event which opened with the singing of O Canada, led by the Headstart students… […]

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Local News

Landing Trail School recognized as Safety Star

By Staff

Gibbons – A Sturgeon School Division School is one of 10 schools in the province to be honoured for creating a safe and caring environment. The division announced Wednesday afternoon Landing Trail School in Gibbons… […]

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Local News

Secular school classrooms moving to board office

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Less than two months after Sturgeon School Division’s (SSD) public school commenced operation, Grade 1 to 4 students will be moving to a new venue beginning Monday according to parents of students in the program. The division has decided to remove classes from the Morinville Community Cultural Centre to their division office, located next to the Ray McDonald Sports Centre in Morinville. The move is set to take place Friday night and Saturday according to reports from parents who said they were informed by a teacher Tuesday afternoon… […]

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Local News

Province to hold faith census re Morinville secular school issue

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – With Morinville students back in their respective schools, both Catholic and secular, Alberta Education announced Tuesday morning it will take the next step in finding a long-term solution to the Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) secular education issue.

The province will spend $125,000 to conduct a census of St. Albert, Morinville, Legal and parts of Sturgeon County to determine whether Catholics or Protestants are the minority faith among electors in the four areas being covered by the census… […]

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Local News

Secular Education to be offered in Morinville for 2011 / 2012 school year

Submitted by Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division

Morinville – Beginning September, 2011, Sturgeon School Division will be the service provider for secular
education in Morinville, AB. Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools, the Catholic Public School
Division in the Town of Morinville, provides the following background regarding the
development of this program… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Alberta Party weighs in on Morinville issue

Dear Editor:

For months now Morinville parents have been fighting for a basic right that is allowed in every other community in Alberta – to have their child attend a non-religious public school. Recently I was asked by a local resident to help bring provincial awareness to the concerns being expressed by him and others that the Provincial Government has reneged on a commitment made by them to the citizens of Morinville… […]

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Morinville News

Secular school plans moving ahead, GSACRD and province say

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Modular school units for a secular program will be in place no later than this December, Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) Superintendent David Keohane said Tuesday morning. The superintendent refuted the notion a delay in their placement has anything to do with a dispute between his division and the province…. […]

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Local News

Back to square one, secular parents say

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Promises of a non-faith-based school in Morinville this fall have fallen apart, parents choosing the option were told Monday afternoon. Sturgeon school Division (SSD), who were selected by Greater St. Albert Catholic School Regional (GSCRD) to offer the program in Morinville, met with parents Monday afternoon to tell them plans had hit a snag… […]

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Morinville News

Local parents have opportunity to see what choice looks like

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – After being selected as the partner to offer a non-faith-based education to the children of Morinville families, Sturgeon School Division did not waste any time in getting to the task of holding a public meeting to show parents what that choice would look like for their children and their parents… […]