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Morinville News

Time running out to nominate Morinville volunteers

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – People have until Friday to nominate local volunteers for recognition in a number of categories. Nomination deadline for this year’s Town of Morinville’s Volunteer Appreciation Awards is Friday at 4:30 p.m. 
 A Volunteer Appreciation Night will be held at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Apr. 26 when this year’s winners will be presented with their awards… […]

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Morinville News

Morinville teacher wins national award

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – The Alberta Association for Community Living and the Canadian Association for Community Living have presented Morinville resident and Edmonton Public Schools teacher Meghan Loney with a National Inclusive Education Award… […]

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Local Sports

Regional Recreation Facility Master Plan looks to shape activities for next 25 years

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Several months of work has culminated in a 122-page document that will form the basis of a new cost sharing agreement with Sturgeon County. The Sturgeon Regional Partnership, collaboration between Sturgeon County, Morinville, Legal, Bon Accord, Gibbons and Red Water started in 2009, has just completed work on a Regional Recreation Master Plan. The plan outlines the infrastructure requirements associated with providing recreation programs and services throughout the region for the next quarter century… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Column: High school students head to China

By Tim Evans, MCTV Correspondant, Senior at MCHS

Thirty-five Morinville Community High School staff and students got some new passport décor as the 2013 Trip of a Lifetime took them across the Pacific to China. After a grueling 13-hour flight, they landed in Beijing, where they indulged in the real Chinese cuisine and explored the many wonders of the city and area, including Tiannamen Square and the Forbidden City, as well as learning about pearls and how they form… […]

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Local News

Morinville Council Briefs

Federal Gas Tax agreement signed

Council voted in favour of signing the Federal Gas Tax Amending Agreement and return the document to Alberta Transportation. The signature will ensure Morinville continues to receive approximately $500,000 in annual infrastructure funding… […]

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Arts & Culture

Local students win provincial recognition

By Lucie Roy

Morinville – Camilla School students Sheraton Eve Boddez and Kiera Berube placed first and second respectively for their School Grade category in the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch (APRCW) Poster Contest for 2013. Boddez received a plaque from Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, a $65 cheque from Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch… […]

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Local News

The week in photos so far

Jeff Twin, Sam Burry, Walker Hnatiw and Alexandra Callan were four of the 80 members of the Primeau School Junior High Band performing Majestica and Themes and Variations at the Arden Theatre Tuesday morning…. […]

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Morinville News

Morinville property tax bills are coming

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Property owners are set to pay 3.68 per cent more in total property taxes than they did in 2012 now that Council has passed second and third reading of the 2013 Property Tax Bylaw. Council had given first reading to the bylaw Mar. 26, at which time it was revealed the owner of the average Morinville property could expect to pay about $100 more on their spring tax bill than they did last year

The municipality must collect $7.2-million from ratepayers… […]

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Morinville News

Seven groups seek half of annual Community Grant budget

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Council had some tough decisions to make Apr. 9 with respect to handing out available Community Grant dollars. Community Services brought forward approximately $13,535 in grant requests from seven community groups, an amount that surpassed the $5,500 allotted each quarter by more than $7,000… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Column – Joe Morinville

Looking at last week’s front-page photo of bright pink, purple and yellow Easter eggs stuck in grey and white snow depressed the heck out of me. Enough with winter already. Spring has sprung and I’m hopeful the snow will take a hint and take a hike… […]

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Local News

A weekend of medals

Story by Lucie Roy – Photo by Danny Getzlaf

Morinville Legion members Walter Corbett and Lou Newell were the recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Saturday. Royal Canadian Legion District 8 Commander Ted Latimer and Morinville Mayor Paul Krauskopf made the presentation. More than 100 people from 15 communities were in attendance… […]

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Arts & Culture

Community Band looking for a few more members

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – With a core of four solid musicians working on a repertoire of pop numbers, the Morinville Community Band is looking to take the show on the road this summer – at least around the community. The present problem is if the drummer gets sick or the bass player takes a holiday, the band loses a chunk of its groove. A missing vocalist means an instrumental set. A missing guitarist means the band is down to bass line and percussion… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Progressive Views: Political Games

Column by Tristan Turner

In today’s world, it’s easy for young people to feel disenfranchised. At every turn, young people are being let down by a scarce job market, staggering debt and a political parties that embrace them and their struggle come election time, but turn their back on students and young Canadians once they’ve won government… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Lock your doors – the snow is melting

In our story, we told readers the percentages of cars that were locked and the variations in percentages between neighbourhoods. We did not specifically identify where those numbers were generated. And we won’t give those locations because it was not a crucial piece… […]