Beautiful day
Local photographer Donald Boutilier sent us another group of great shots last week.
A frosty Morinville is seen across a field.
Last week’s temperatures made for some excellent hoar frost, seen in the trees along the train tracks.
Egg Lake is seen covered in frost amid a clear blue sky.
Hawk and his prey
Linda Lyons sent us this great photo of what we think is a rough-legged hawk. The hawk was in her backyard trying to dine on the birds in her feeder.
On the move
A small home was boarded up and loaded up on a trailer bound to be used elsewhere last week.
The Town held a sealed bid auction last fall for the three properties on the 77 acres of land bought for the future arena recreation centre. The home sold at auction for $8000. The other two properties are scheduled for demolition sometime in February, according to the CAO report in the Jan. 24 CAO report to Council.
– Donald Boutilier Photo
Field trip on an ark
Ms. Oleski’s Kindergarten class from Morinville Public School visited Noah’s Ark Pet Shop last week to learn about the different pets people have. This is the second year the local pet shop has hosted school tours. More are planned for this week.
– Submitted Photo