UCP hold Morinville-St. Albert AGM

Above: UCP Nomination Contestants for the Morinville-St. Albert constituency include Joe Gosselin, Trina Jones, Don Rigney, Amber Harris and Dale Nally.

by Lucie Roy

The Founding Meeting of the Morinville-St. Albert United Conservative Party Constituency Association took place Tuesday night at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre with more than 110 people in attendance.

United Conservative Party members were invited to participate in the nomination and vote for the new board of the Morinville-St. Albert United Conservative Party Constituency Association.

This Founding AGM formally established the Board for the Constituency Association, including a President, Secretary, CFO and up to 27 additional directors.

Elected President was Dick Heinen, CFO is Tom Flynn, and Secretary is Warren Pickell.

Nominations and elections took place for up to 27 Board of Directors with 30 names on the list.
Speaking at the event was United Conservative Party President Erika Barootes and also in attendance was Northern Alberta Director Gordon Ferguson.

Five UCP Nomination Contestants for Morinville-St Albert were in attendance, Joe Gosselin, Trina Jones, Don Rigney, Amber Harris and Dale Nally.

A group photo of the new Board and Executive that were in attendance took place after the meeting. Seated CFO Tom Flynn, President Dick Heinen and Secretary Warren Pickell and some of the 27 Board of Directors.