Morinville adjusts Restriction Exemption Program for two facilities

Submitted by Town of Morinville

As a result of continued consultation and additional clarification from the Government of Alberta, the following updates have been applied to the Morinville Leisure Centre and the Morinville Community Cultural Centre:

  • Youth (12-17) participating in sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities are only required to screen for symptoms; maintain 2-metres distancing and wear a mask (except while engaged in physical activity).
  • Youth aged 12-17 not participating in an activity must show proof of vaccination, medical exemption, or a negative test result to enter any facility.
    • This includes spectators or using the concourse and common areas.

Anyone ages 18+ will be required to show proof of vaccination, medical exemption, or a negative rapid test result within 72 hours of a visit to facilities. Until October 25, 2021, proof of a single dose is considered acceptable as long as the dose was given more than 2 weeks before the time of entry to a program or facility. After October 25, proof of double vaccination is required and as long as it was two weeks prior to entry.

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