Alberta RCMP launch campaign ahead of National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day

by Stephen Dafoe

Because the Christmas season is a time to create memories, the Alberta RCMP has launched the #UnwrappingMoments social media campaign to raise awareness of impaired driving. Throughout the month of December, RCMP, sheriffs and their partners will use traffic education and enforcement initiatives to help ensure Albertans get home safely to create those memories.

National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day is Saturday, Dec. 4 and the Canada-wide initiative will see Alberta RCMP patrolling provincial highways, conducting check stops, and removing impaired drivers from the road.

“In December 2020, a total of 560 impaired drivers were removed from the roads,” said Alberta RCMP Traffic Services Superintendent Gary Graham. “Every time you get behind the wheel under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you not only risk your own safety but also the safety of others. Don’t be the reason someone doesn’t make it home for the holidays.”

RCMP offer the following information:

  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol impairs your judgment and reaction time.
  • Impaired driving is criminal and dangerous.
  • Mandatory Alcohol Screening is used by Alberta RCMP to deter and detect impaired drivers. If you are pulled over or at a check stop, you can expect to provide a breath sample.
  • Individuals with a Graduated Driver’s Licence must abide by the zero-tolerance law (Government of Alberta, 2021).
  • Impaired driving is always preventable and can always be avoided. Call a taxi or rideshare service, use a designated driver, or stay the night.
  • Call 911 if you witness or suspect impaired driving.