Letter: Help feed families in Morinville!

Bill 15

It’s time to help replenish the cupboards at Morinville.  We believe that families helping families is the quickest way to do that!

On Saturday, September 23rd, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Morinville area will be collecting non-perishable food donations to help restock Morinville Food Bank.

This marks the 11th year that we will be holding a door-to-door food drive.

Last year Morinville community members donated 7095lbs of food to the Morinville Food Bank.

For one week every September local volunteers deliver donation bags to the front doors of homes in Morinville. Generous people then fill those bags with healthy, nutritional, and much needed non-perishable food and leave the bag on their doorsteps before 10 am on Saturday, September 23rd. Those same volunteers then pick up your donations and bring them back to the Food Bank to be sorted and distributed to families.

This is a stressful time for many, worrying about expenses to seeing increased lighting and heating costs. Local Food Banks are still experiencing high demand with many finding they need emergency food support as they continue to recover from the economic downturn, higher cost of living and the risks of continued disruptions to the global supply chain.

This food drive is a simple way for all the people who live along the collection routes to help their neighbours in need.

Leasa Sulz, Communications Director 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Morinville


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