by MorinvilleNews.com Staff
Sturgeon County is leaving the regional economic development group Edmonton Global, whose mandate is attracting global investment to the region.
County Council made the decision at the Dec. 12 meeting.
In a media release issued Wednesday morning, the County indicates it has contributed approximately $600,000 to Edmonton Global since 2017, including annual contributions of $137,700 since 2020.
“We recognize that regional business attraction and development takes years to achieve and have invested in Edmonton Global since 2017,” said Mayor Alanna Hnatiw in a media release Wednesday. “I will be formally summarizing Council’s concerns to the Edmonton Global Board.”

Although Council has indicated it will be leaving the regional group, Edmonton Global policiy requires two years’ notice, meaning the County will continue to be a contributing member until 2025 and retain all of its shareholder benefits until that time.
Despite the decision to leave the group, the County says it remains committed to regional collaboration, something it says is evident in its work to through the Villeneuve Landing Network, the Edmonton Region Hydrogen Hub, Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board, and Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association.
Sturgeon is not the only group to give Edmonton Global notice of its intention to leave the group. Last week, Strathcona County also voted to leave the group.