Three-time World Champion Hoop Dancer Dallas Arcand did two performances at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre on Saturday, Nov. 25, during the Town of Morinville’s Lite Up the Nite Festival. The annual festival was listed as one of Morinville’s strategic successes for 2023 according to the T3 report, presented to Council on Tuesday, Mar. 12. – File Photo
by Colin Smith
The Lite Up The Night Christmas Festival and the adoption of the 2024-2026 Operating Budget and the 2024-2033 Long-Term Capital Plan were among Morinville’s highlights of the last three months of 2023.
Also singled out in a report on the September to December period presented by CAO Naleen Narayan to council at its regular meeting on Tuesday, Mar. 12, were the Giving Tree and Pembina Youth ACTIVATE programs.
The T3 Strategic Plan Progress Report is intended to inform the Council and the community about the achievement of plan-related outcomes.
Approved by council in May 2022, the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is a decision-making framework to guide Morinville on how to use its resources and deliver core services and programs.
Enabling the municipality to collectively work with its residents, businesses, and organizations to champion the community’s strategic priorities is its aim.
The plan is structured around six goals: community building, community safety and well-being, financial stewardship, environmental responsibility, economic development and collaborative relationships.
The progress on Goal 1 set out in the report was a public budget information session in October that provided residents and the business community with a forum to provide feedback.
Council approval in September of the design and construction phase for the Highway 642 and Grandin Drive signalization capital project is progress on Goal 2. The project budget of $650,000 will be funded through off-site levies and provincial grant funds.
Other Goal 2 progress includes programs and events offered, including MLC Youth Takeover, the third Volunteer Development Workshop, Alberta Culture Days, the Family Fright Halloween Dance, the Giving Tree, and the Lite Up the Nite Christmas Festival.
At the MLC, FlexReg was introduced to the public. This feature allows residents to register for programs based on their schedule, and attendance at registered programs has increased.
Along with the adoption of the operating budget and capital plan, Goal 3 progress includes starting a review of water loss through Morinville’s transmission and distribution systems and approval of CCTV for sanitary and storm sewers to assist in the identification of critical problem areas prior to pipe failures.

The new Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System (AFRRCS) radios were issued to all first responder staff.
Progress on Goal 4 was provided by the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board approval of the Final Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) report in December.
Working toward Goal 5 administration completed a Development Incentives Report and began discussions with Morinville developers regarding a jointly funded residential marketing campaign, with a target launch of mid-T1 this year.
Efforts to engage service providers and explore options to provide broadband service continued.
Goal 6 endeavours include continued collaboration with St. Albert Catholic and Sturgeon Public School Divisions to formalize a Joint Use and Planning Agreement (JUPA). A complete draft has gone to the school divisions for review.
Morinville Fire Services continues to strengthen its relationship with Alexander First Nations. Efforts include meetings to discuss training initiatives, leadership opportunities, and continued support for services between the municipalities.
A seniors conference held in October was a collaborative endeavour involving Sturgeon County FCSS, Redwater FCSS, Gibbons FCSS, Legal FCSS, and Bon Accord FCSS.
Council accepted the T3 Strategic Plan Progress Report as information.
The report will be posted on the Town of Morinville website and shared through approved social media channels.