
Ambrose talks federal budget

Seniors and small business people are among those who will particularly benefit from the recent federal budget, according to Rona Ambrose, MP for Edmonton-Spruce Grove. […]


Column: A question of judgment

We’re a long way from any verdict in the Mike Duffy trial, but two days into court proceedings, common sense and accountability are already down for the count. […]

Local News

Battle of Vimy Ridge to be remembered

Legion branches across the country will fly their Canadian flags at half-mast Apr. 9 from sunrise to sunset to commemorate Vimy Ridge Day. It was during this famous battle, fought Apr. 9 to 12, 1917, that Canadians captured Vimy Ridge when other allied forces could not. […]


Column: Progressives united, but who gets their vote?

The good news for the body politic in this country is that it is now flying on two wings.

The left side of the political brain has caught up to the right of the political brain and it only took a couple of years. […]


Column: Election year brings in a new Mulcair and Trudeau

It’s an election year and that means last year’s versions of the two men who are bent on unseating Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are gone.

The 2015 versions of NDP Leader Tom Mulcair and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau are different in both style and message. […]


Column: Time to embrace a multi-debate formula

When it comes to the televised debates of the upcoming federal campaign, the only certainty is that there will be at least one in each official language and that the leaders of Canada’s three main parties will be on stage.


NDP has more to gain by refuting Bill C-51

The internal debate over the NDP’s stance on the Conservative anti-terrorism legislation was settled some time before Thomas Mulcair made his decision to oppose Bill C-51 public on Wednesday. […]