affordable counselling services at father's house
Local News

The Father’s House – Part One: The Tour

We spoke with Pastor Greg Fraser of the Father’s House who gave us a tour of the new church and Christian School. Starting Sept. 20, the church will host a month of tours after Sunday morning services and invite the community to attend. You can visit their page on Facebook for more details. […]

Arts & Culture

Morinville Christian School performing The Prodigal Clown this week

The Parable of the Lost Son from the Book of Luke takes a circus twist this week in Morinville Christian School’s (MCS) performance of The Prodigal Clown. The 44-minute play will be performed at Fable Gardens Hall at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Friday, May 11.

Local News

Couple retiring after four decades of faith-based teaching

Pastor Lou and Shirley Brunelle say goodbye to Morinville Christian School this week after 39 years of faith-based teaching. Although the couple began their teaching careers in Yorkton, Saskatchewan in 1976 — he a Grade 5 teacher, she as a Kindergarten teacher — the couple have called Morinville home for the past seven years. […]

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Local News

Christian School celebrates 29 years

The Morinville Christian School’s 29th Annual Awards Night was held Thursday night at the St. Albert Inn and Suites and included all the school’s Junior and Senior students. Principal Lou Brunelle introduced the school staff, Board members, new families, Elders and special guest Councillor Stephen Dafoe… […]

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Arts & Culture

The day in photos

Higher Grounds Espresso Bar was packed Thursday night for the coffee house’s monthly charity crib tournament. The fun evening of social card playing raised more than $400 for the Mayr family whose daughter Blakelee was born with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome. The family is raising funds for a trip to California to attend a special conference on the disorder. – Stephen Dafoe Photo […]

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Local News

Health Minister consults with local moms on food labelling

by Stephen Dafoe and Lucie Roy

Morinville – Better food labelling was the topic of two round table discussions held with Federal Minister of Health Rona Ambrose this week. After a consultation in Gibbons Wednesday, Minister Ambrose sat down with 10 local moms at Morinville Christian School Thursday afternoon to talk about the Harper Government’s desire to improve the information available to Canadian shoppers and to hear what local women had to say on the matter… […]

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Schools and youth

Christian school honours its students

Photos by Lucie Roy

Morinville – While midway rides rose and fell across the road at St. Jean Baptiste Festival 2012,proud parents and solid students gathers at the Morinville Christian Fellowship School’s annual awards night, held at the Rendez-Vous Center… […]

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Morinville News

Morinville Christian School announces changes at awards night

By Lucie Roy

Morinville – The Third Quarter Awards Ceremony at Morinville Christian School Thursday night presented more than 20 students with applicable certificates for Honour Roll, Bible Club, Bullseye and two academic achievement awards – one for Distinction for marks 95 to 97 and Great Distinction for those with marks 98 to 100… […]