National News

Conservatives call for unity against Trudeau government on pipeline rules

The United Conservatives are calling for MLAs to stand together against the federal Liberal government’s Bill C-69, which they say would make it more difficult for new pipeline projects to get approved, putting a key driver of Alberta’s economy and the thousands of jobs that depend on it in jeopardy. […]


Parties applaud Trump’s approval of Keystone XL

Shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump signed executive orders to move forward on construction of the Keystone XL project, previously blocked by President Obama, the Conservative Party of Canada and Wildrose issued statements applauding the move. […]


National Column: Mayoral support crucial for pipelines

Kudos to Justin Trudeau and Alberta’s Rachel Notley for taking the time to talk face to face about the province’s economic challenges on Wednesday. The Liberal prime minister has a compelling interest in keeping the channels open with the NDP premier. […]