Editor’s Note: As part of our ongoing coverage of Election 2010, MorinvilleNews.com is accepting question from our readers, which will be published anonymously for candidates to answer. Please note that only candidates will be able to respond to the questions asked by our readers. Links to questions asked will be archived in our Ask-A-Candidate section. See link in navigation bar above.
During the all candidate forum I heard the majority of the discussion and questions around youth, teens and young families. Having studied demographics many times during my working career and looking around in Morinville, I would estimate that the “senior” group will soon equal if not surpass the young families. As we age, and can no longer manage our homes, we will be looking for more senior type housing/condos/apartments to buy and/or rent as we may not quite be ready for the lodge. My question to all candidates is what would our new town council do to plan for the future of seniors in terms of living accommodations and recreation?
PLEASE NOTE – Only Candidates may post comments to this posting. Morinvillenews.com welcomes reader comments on our articles, but we wish to keep these particular segments open for candidates alone so that readers do not have to separate who is and is not vying for their vote.
Thank you for the questions and your concerns.
I’ve stated many times that in my book Seniors and Children come first. You are correct on hearing “a lot” on youth; that because nothing has been done under the old Mayor leadership. We are missing that part in our community.
As for the aging population, we are working with a developer to build low cost housing; this does not mean homes for the poor; but homes that are not huge and can be very affordable by all. There is also heavy talk about a Long Term Care facility being built here.
As for Recreation, I will be advising our Recreation Department on assuring that all recreation facilities have a seniors component in it. Plus I believe the Community Bus should be used more often for different events.
Thank you, Joseph Trapani
I certainly agree with you and have stated in my platform the need to create a plan to develop affordable housing for young working families and seniors wanting to age in place, their place, Morinville. council has had those discussions as well as other groups in the community. Council needs to insure that those conversations continue and develop a concrete plan.
As far as recreation for seniors, other than senior curling, the walking trails with exercise equiment stations, the Rendezvous Center and the community bus council needs to hear those ideas and other needs as they plan for future recreation amenties for Morinville.
At the various election forums and in visiting all of the households in Morinville I emphasized the need to have facilities, programs and services that provide options for all age groups. As Councillor I will work with residents to ensure that there are choices for children, youth, adults, seniors and the disabled. The author may also be aware that in Town and the region there are several private companies in addition to the Town Community Services department that offer programs.
Over the 23 years we have lived in Morinville our family mambers have gone through various stages of life cycles. As parents we found certain programs that were available for our family members based at certain ages but not all.
The author’s question is one that has been raised with me at a number of houses durng this campaign. Morinville needs to be seen as proiding options for a variety of lifestyle and leisure choices. As Councillor, I will work on Council with residents to ensure we meet the needs of the “demographic profile”.
You are so correct in that there will be so many seniors in this community looking for more affordable or options to living in their own home. And that time is coming soon. I can tell you that there is a Private Operator that is looking at affordable senior only apartments that have contacted me for advice. Also with the expansion of Aspen House with Phase I having an additional 28 bed secure facility and then Phase II with regular assisted living coming shortly after that. This will increase the number of beds at Aspen House to over 100. With the Province stating there will be no further long term beds that will be approved in the near future will be a challenge. What they have done is re-classify a number of Enhanced Designated Assisted sites so this may relieve some of the placements in Long Term Care. This community is very fortunate to have the Lodge and an EDAL facility. I truly believe that we should be able to take of our own community members when the time comes.