Gear time
1 CER 3061 RCACC Commanding Officer Captain Ed Bishop was helping to unload the bus full of kit just outside the Community Cultural Centre Sunday afternoon. The Morinville cadets and staff members had just returned from a weekend training at Camp Wright. Bishop said the cadets learned about navigation, map and compass and slept in five man tents. – Lucie Roy Photo
Art on display
Vera Neveu and artist Rob McIntyre were discussing the exact location of the oil on canvas print he made depicting and titled the Tom Patterson Footbridge Strafford, Ontario. – Lucie Roy Photo

Small Town Saturday Night
Acclaimed Country Music artist Aaron Lines performed three numbers in the Songwriters Circle held at the Legal arena. It was all part of the Big Valley Jamboree Small Town Saturday Night event won by Legal. You Can’t Hide Beautiful and Cheaper to Keep Her were two of the songs he performed. – Lucie Roy Photo
A big thank you to the volunteers and organizers of Small Town Saturday Night. Although there was a packed house, the volunteers kept it safe, clean and well structured. Committment and spirit of the Legal community truly shone through and I for one am thankful of their efforts which allowed me to have an amazing evening. Well raised money for a well deserved project! Way to go Legal!