Above: Sturgeon County Mayor Tom Flynn, Bon Accord Deputy Mayor David Hutton, Sturgeon Foundation Vice Chair Gord Putnam and Director Wes Brodhead, MLA Marie Renaud, Minister of Seniors and Housing Lori Sigurdson, St Albert Mayor Nolan Crouse and Sturgeon Foundation Executive Director Dennis Magnusson.
by Lucie Roy
The Ground Breaking Ceremony for North Ridge Place Phase II took place Monday, October 24 at North Ridge Place in St. Albert.
It is here and on time and Morinville is next said Mayor Nolan Crouse and Sturgeon Foundation Executive Director Dennis Magnusson.
The North Ridge Phase II is scheduled for completion and a ribbon cutting ceremony in about a year, this time next fall.
Sturgeon Foundation Executive Director Dennis Magnusson said, “Morinville is the next hot priority.”

For Morinville, the Foundation is proposing a community affordable housing project with 48 units or apartments. It is an apartment building of mixed use, near market value, for people with very low-income and people with special needs.
Magnusson said they have some plans and are waiting for the government to provide some funding to proceed to the next stage of planning.
When they get the approval of that next stage, they can go to construction. If everything goes well, they could be in construction in the summer of next year in Morinville.
In attendance on Monday was Minister of Seniors and Housing Lori Sigurdson, MLA Marie Renaud, St. Albert Mayor Nolan Crouse and Sturgeon County Mayor Tom Flynn, Sturgeon Foundation Vice Chair Gord Putnam and Board of Director member Wes Brodhead of St Albert, David Hutton, Deputy Mayor of Bon Accord and seniors from the Sturgeon Foundation lodges.