Project Lock Up marks its one-year anniversary
Alberta Rural Crime Watch, Alberta Citizens on Patrol and Alberta Crime Stoppers, joined the Alberta RCMP Monday in marking the first anniversary of Project Lock Up.
Alberta Rural Crime Watch, Alberta Citizens on Patrol and Alberta Crime Stoppers, joined the Alberta RCMP Monday in marking the first anniversary of Project Lock Up.
Morinville Citizens on Patrol is hosting an open house at Higher Grounds on Monday, Aug. 19 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and are inviting anyone 18 and older to attend.
Armed with nothing more than a pen and paper, cell phone app, flashlight, police scanner, and a couple of cups of coffee, a small number of residents regularly take to the streets of Morinville, keeping their eyes and ears open for what doesn’t look and sound right. […]
Armed with nothing more than a pen and paper, cell phone, flashlight, police scanner, and a couple of cups of coffee, a small number of residents regularly take to the streets of Morinville, keeping their eyes and ears open for what doesn’t look and sound right. […]
Armed with nothing more than a pen and paper, cell phone, flashlight, police scanner, and a couple of cups of coffee, a small number of residents regularly take to the streets of Morinville, keeping their eyes and ears open for what doesn’t look and sound right. They’re Citizens on Patrol (COP), a civilian watch organization that has been operating in Morinville since 1997. Over the past two decades, the volunteer group has been doing their part for community policing in Morinville. […]
Sitting on a folding chair behind the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association (SRCWA) booth at the recent trade show, the watchdog organization’s new president Bonny Swart-Attwood is an approachable and witty head to the organization dedicated to being extra eyes and ears for the Morinville RCMP Detachment. […]
COP members Shari Bourgeois, Judith Clarke and Gloria Heemeryck provide volunteer door service and security at a recent cultural centre […]
Council held their second regular meeting of the month Oct. 27. Here are some briefs from that meeting. Absent were Councillor Rob Ladouceur and Mayor Lisa Holmes. […]
A car rolls up; a man gets out. He heads towards a car that’s not his own, there to see if the owner left it unlocked. The door holds tight, the man has no pry bar to break it open. But then again, he doesn’t need one because he’s not there to rob the vehicle, only to let the owner know the importance of keeping vehicles locked and valuables safe.
Morinville residents Fred and Vera Neveu are the latest recipients of Morinville Town Council’s Pride of Morinville recognition. The couple was nominated for the award by a member of the public for their 14 years of service to the Morinville Citizens on Patrol (COP) program. […]
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