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Local Sports

Students get multiple benefits from month of curling

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Students from Notre Dame Elementary School spent the past four weeks throwing rocks in Morinville without anyone raising an eyebrow. Grade 5 students from Dianne Hutton’s and Catherine Chan’s classes have been travelling to the Morinville Curling Club each week to learn a bit about the sport and about each other. […]

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Local News

Morinville woman recognized for her 4-H contributions

By Stephen Dafoe

Spruce Grove – A Morinville woman’s volunteer contributions were recognized in Spruce Grove Monday afternoon. Jessica Verbeek was the recipient of the 2010 UFA 4-H Alumni Volunteer Service Award, a recognition that included a $2,000 gift certificate along with the framed award certificate.

Verbeek, a former member of the Riviere Qui Barre 4-H Multi club for 10 years, was recognized for her various volunteer… […]

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Local Sports

Lady Wolves take third straight North Central Banner

By Staff

Morinville – The MCHS Lady Wolves senior girls’ basketball team took their third straight North Central Banner over the weekend, defeating the John Maland Wildcats in their home gym Saturday night… […]

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Local News

Local teen wins poster competition

By Staff

Morinville – An MCHS student was presented with a cheque for $500 Monday by Service Alberta for her award-winning poster on identity theft. Sixteen-year-old Colette Bachand was one of five winners in the 2010 Alberta Consumer Champion Awards, an acknowledgement that recognizes Albertans who work to promote fairness in the Alberta marketplace by delivering outstanding consumer programs and awareness initiatives… […]

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Local News

Catholic public school motion defeated by council

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – The Catholic public school debate came before Morinville Town Council again Tuesday night, this time in the form of a motion from Councillor Lisa Holmes. Although a topic of discussion in the streets of Morinville for several months, the matter first came before council two weeks ago when Donna Hunter, spokesperson for the group of local parents seeking a secular education for their children in Morinville’s public schools, made her case to council. Council’s reaction at that time was one of silence. Neither comment nor question was made to the delegation… […]

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Schools and youth

African Acrobats delight Primeau students

Morinville – For 45 minutes Monday afternoon Georges H. Primeau students had the opportunity to experience part of their curriculum through an entertaining performance. The school hosted a presentation from African Acrobats, a five-man troupe from Mombasa, Kenya who have performed at Walt Disney Theme Parks, NBA half time shows, colleges, circuses and on national television… […]

Local News

Parent delegation represented in the legislature

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – After presenting their case to Morinville Town Council Tuesday night, a group of local parents who have requested the Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) to follow the general provincial curriculum in Morinville schools… […]

Local News

Parent delegation takes case to Morinville council

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – A delegation of Morinville parents requesting the Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) to follow the general provincial curriculum in Morinville schools rather than the Catholic separate curriculum brought their case to Morinville Town Council Tuesday night. The delegation, led by group spokesperson Donna Hunter, presented their case in an eight-minute address to Mayor and council, outlining not only their concerns as parents but what they feel should be the concerns of council…. […]

Local Sports

MCHS Wolves emerge from tournament with solid standing

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By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – The MCHS Wolves Sr. Boys and Sr. Girls basketball teams emerged from the weekend’s invitational tournament without championship bragging rights, but both teams played well enough and placed high enough to hold their heads high. The Sr. Boys took second place in the home tournament, the Sr. Girls took third spot. […]

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Local Sports

Wolves dominate opening day of invitational tournament

By Staff

Morinville – The MCHS Wolves began their Morinville Wolves Invitational Basketball Tournament Thursday. The tournament runs until Saturday.
Both the Sr. Boys and Sr. Girls dominated int heir opening games Thursday afternoon…. […]

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Local News

KidSport program helps provide resources to get kids active

By Staff

Morinville – A new program the Town of Morinville is connected with allows children from lower income families to participate in sports they might otherwise not be able to join in.

The KidSport Alberta program raises funds in communities… […]

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Local News

Province wide meningitis immunization program set to begin

By Staff

Edmonton – The government is launching a $2 million immunization program Tuesday to protect adolescents from meningococcal disease.

The province wide program will provide the meningococcal conjugate vaccine to as many as 40,000 students in Grade 9 through school-based clinics. The vaccine will protect against four different … […]

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Local Sports

Morinville Road Runners off to provincials

By Staff

Morinville – After five years of rumbling up and down the court throughout the Edmonton area, the Morinville Road Runners will be sending a team to provincials. The 11 bantam aged girls (11-12 years old) have qualified for provincials to be hosted in Calgary Mar. 18-19. The girls are currently the top- rated team in the Edmonton area with … […]

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Schools and youth

Around the schools

Photos By Stephen Dafoe

École Georges P. Vanier School Grade 2 students Dominic Peacock (left) and Jaeda Reaume (right) take a turn at Sledge Jump, one of several Inuit games students participated in Jan. 27 during Iqaluit day. The students spent the day studying Inuit culture as part of their social studies curriculum. […]

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Local News

Secular option not among board offerings

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – A group of Morinville parents did not get the answers they were hoping for Monday night after waiting more than a month for the Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) board to respond to their request for a non faith-based option for their children attending Morinville public schools.

GSACRD trustees voted unanimously on administration’s recommendation that: “the Board of Trustees not support the request that Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools provide a fully secular… […]

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Schools and youth

Catholic Women’s League to hold meeting on former education minister’s petition

By Staff

Morinville – The Catholic Women’s League will be opening their doors to the public Thursday evening for a presentation on how former Minister of Education Dave King’s petition to disestablish the province’s Roman Catholic and Protestant Separate Schools could affect Catholic education in Morinville and the province. The meeting will be held at the Morinville Parish Hall at 7 p.m.
