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Column: Joe Morinville

Got quite the email from someone the other week what was pretty hot under the collar about my latest column I wrote on my birthday. I say someone cause they didn’t sign their name at all to their email. Anyway… […]

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Dr. Oz Column: The secret of sticking with exercise: Pleasure, not pain

by Michel Roizen, M.D., and Mehmet Oz, M.D.

It slims your hips, flattens your belly, boosts your spirits and, according to a recent study that had us cheering loudly, packs a longevity bonus as powerful as drugs for people living with heart disease, diabetes or the aftermath of a stroke. We’re talking about the amazing benefits of physical activity… […]

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Column: Morinville Housing Market Report

Morinville’s housing market is, as I have mentioned before, showing the same trends that the whole of the Greater Edmonton Area showed a few months ago. Average prices are up year over year, days on the market are decreasing, and we are showing the record listed to sold ratios… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

Thanks to everyone what wished me a happy birthday on the Facebook last Thursday. I noticed nobody run my picture in The Morinville News to recognize my 68th trip around the sun, but nobody did last year either. But they did run a funny cartoon by Bruce Humen of me getting helped up after playing a guitar solo. So anyway here’s my thoughts on birthdays and such… […]

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Healthy Routes Column: Maintain order and eject the freeloaders

by Gladys Kublik, co-owner Neighbors Vitamin Shop

We often compare our body to a vehicle on the journey of life. We like to think of it as a sleek sports car, but in reality it’s more like a bus. The science of genetics has discovered that we carry the DNA of a multitude of organisms besides our own. We are the vehicle for bacteria on our skin, microscopic mites in our eyelashes called Demodex, fungus between our toes and approximately a one-kilogram mass of organisms within our gut. We are the hosts of a world apart, a microbiome, and for the most part this is a good thing…. […]

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Progressive Views Column: Alberta NDP Leader Resigns

by Tristan Turner

While struggling to hold back to hold back tears, Brian Mason announced at a press conference Apr. 29 that he would be stepping down as leader of the Alberta NDP effective October 19. The bus driver turned politician has served as both an MLA and Edmonton City Councillor for more than 25 years, winning nine consecutive elections. In his near 10-year tenure as leader of Alberta’s New Democrats, Brian Mason has seen – and won – many battles on behalf of his constituents and all Albertans. Not the least of which was a fight he brought to PC Premier… […]

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Column: Pick the best tracker for you

by Michael Roizen M.D., and Mehmet Oz, M.D.

It used to be, if you wore your heart on your sleeve it meant you were sentimental and easily bruised. Not anymore. Now colorful bracelets, watches, clip-ons and other gizmos track your steps and heart rate, not to mention your workouts, calories consumed and burned, sleep habits, intensity of effort, degree of muscle fatigue, even your distance in an open water swim. Welcome to the world of “fit tech.” Get hip to it… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

They cut my column for a couple weeks because of all the letters to the editor the paper has been getting lately and because the other column writers aren’t able to keep it short. But I’m back in for sure so here goes with what I think…. […]

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Progressive Views: PC and Wildrose MLAs vote against anti-bullying motion

by Tristan Turner

Liberal MLA Kent Hehr introduced Motion 503 to the floor of the Legislative Assembly Apr. 7. The non-binding motion would have supported students wanting to start a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) in their school, a group that creates a safe space for students that are both in and outside of the LGBTQ community to discuss how to make their school more inclusive, and how to help each other with issues they may be experiencing. These groups have been proven to reduce feelings of isolation and instances of both bullying and teen suicide… […]

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Column: Celebrating Alberta’s amazing volunteers

They are the seniors selling raffle tickets in support of the local museum society or drop-in centre. They are a group of students spending their vacation helping to build a school in a village half way around the globe. They are the local businessmen and women who bring their skills and passion to the board of the local food bank or community league. They are Alberta’s incredible volunteers. […]