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Column: Joe Morinville

The Morinville Trade Show is on this weekend and I always like going to it. I know they call it Leap into Spring Expo now, but I still call it the Trade Show because I go there and trade my opinions with people I know. Here’s some other things I like about Trade Show…. […]

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Column: Morinville Housing Report

by Doris Jolicoeur, CD, ABR, CCSP
Associate Broker/Realtor, Professional Realty Group
Mortgage Associate, Verico Brokers for Life

Our wonderful large town is showing signs of catching up to our neighboring larger communities. The market trends Edmonton was showing in December are now quite similar in Morinville…. […]

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Healthy Routes Column: Clearing the Tract

by Gladys Kublik, Co-owner Neighbors Vitamin Shop

Imagine your lower bowel to be much like a conveyor belt in a mining situation. As long as the material moving along the belt is a good mixture of coarse rough rock, water, finer clays and sand, the lugs or teeth of the conveyor remain clean and transport the maximum amount of material quickly. Remove the water and the material doesn’t flow, but tends to clump together… […]

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Conservative Views Column: The Semantics of Democracy

by Calli Stromner

While wannabe politicians were in the middle of the tri-annual popularity contest known as the municipal election last October, a slight, soft-spoken Morinville resident was pounding the pavement for a cause. His cause was not to be elected to public office, but rather to compel the Town to significantly alter the way photo enforcement is conducted… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

Last week, I talked about how spring was coming and then on the first day of spring it snowed and it was cold and looks like it’s gonna be for a while longer. So I’m not going to talk about that because enough of youse have blamed me for the snow and cold… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

The warmer weather has got me thinking that spring might not be far away from us and that got me thinking about how I ought to drag my barbecue out of the garage again and maybe cook myself a steak. Here’s some signs Morinville is well on its way to spring… […]

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Column: Garden contemplations

Much of our world today is based on visual stimulation and instant gratification. We are bombarded with images from magazines, television and social media feeds, such as Instagram and Pinterest. We see pictures of lush green gardens, bright and colourful flower beds, amazing backyards with decks, pools and fire pits. We want what we see,… […]

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Conservative Views: Whose Budget is it Anyway?

If the tone of a Council’s term is defined by the first major decision of its mandate, the road is about to get bumpy for administration. The chest-thumping and calls for accountability voters saw from candidates last fall intensified in the final hours of budget debate on March 11 and saw senior administration enter in to an awkward and inappropriate debate over program funding with individual Councillors… […]

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Progressive Views Column: Budget Fails Albertans

by Tristan Turner

Finance Minister Doug Horner recently released the province’s 2014 budget, a budget that will mean lacking support for services, inadequate post-secondary funding and an unsustainable debt-borrowing model that will only serve to hurt the province’s pocket book in the long term… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

They stuck me on the back page this week because the new columnist’s seniors’ column took over my spot. But that’s OK with me because I’m a senior now and he’s got some good things to say about seniors. Anyway here’s my list of stuff I found odd this week… […]

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Column: Morinville Housing Report

What a cold February!  Hopefully, by the time this article is printed, the weather has let up at least a bit.  It seems the weather has kept buyers from commencing their home search but for those who already had, it didn’t seem to deter them…. […]

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Column: Seniors’ care faulted in throne speech responses

Not a lot was said about seniors in the Alberta government’s speech from the throne least week. In the speech given by Lieutenant-Governor Donald S. Ethell at the March 3 opening of the second session of 28th Alberta Legislature, the government congratulated itself for building a seniors’ care home in Strathmore… […]

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Healthy Routes Column: Health Through Digestion

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is an often quoted line accredited to Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, the author of the Hippocratic oath which still binds doctors to “. . . never do harm to anyone.” Famous for establishing medicine as an independent profession with governing principles, he acknowledged one of the fundamental precepts of good health – what we take into our body affects the health of our body. […]

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Progressive Views Column – Trudeau Pain

In an interview on the Feb. 23rd edition of the hit Quebec TV show ‘Tout le monde en parle’, Justin Trudeau made a controversial comment that lead to a somber apology. On the program, Justin made his comments while he was speaking about the ongoing political crisis in the Ukraine, where former President Viktor Yanukovych was recently disposed by parliamentary order and clashes between … […]


Column: Joe Morinville

Seen they pretty much packed the cultural centre twice this weekend. That’s got to be a new record. Any way you slice it, it shows things are turning around a bit over there. Maybe it’s time we left them alone a bit to do their jobs and stopped complaining so much about how much the building cost us…. […]


Column: Joe Morinville

A reader of my column give me some ideas this week about Olmypic events and places we could use for them if Morinville ever got to host the Winter Olympics. Here’s some of their ideas and some of mine too… […]