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Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Remembering Thalia

It was with deep regret that we learned Thursday of the passing of Mrs. Thalia Fischbach.

The 100-year old Morinville resident became a bit of a celebrity in the community over the past ten months as she simultaneously represented the community with whom she shared a birth year and the large number of seniors in this community who have so much to offer… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Reader displeased with denial of tax exemption request

Dear Editor:

I read with interest that the tax exemption was denied for the three non-profit childcare sites in Morinville. As executive director of McCauley Community After School Care Association I would have expected to hear this from the town not from the local newspaper. I would also have appreciated a request from council to attend the meeting to give our view point on this issue. We were given this exemption last year and t is my understanding that town administration recommended an exemption for this year. I believe that we are the only non-profit child care… […]

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Local News

High school ready to play some volleyball

By Staff

Morinville – Volleyball players from Morinville Community High School are getting set to hit the court this week for the annual Lion’s Western Canadian Challenge Invitational High School Volleyball Tournament… […]

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Local News

Green Bean opens in Morinville

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – There’s a new place to grab lunch or a cup of coffee in Morinville. The Green Bean Coffee House opened over the Thanksgiving weekend offering Morinvillians a selection of fresh soups, salads, sandwiches, muffins, pastries, and the business’ signature item – fresh coffee… […]

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Local News

Morinville Council briefs

By Staff

Council streams on
Council voted unanimously to authorize to live stream council meetings via the Internet for another year. Council heard Oct. 11 viewership of the biweekly meetings ranged between 1 and 14 viewers, figures slightly higher than attendance at actual council meetings; however, the live stream allowed… […]

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Schools and youth

Heroes help youth find their passion

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – It’s been some years since musician Robb Nash was a partying high school student and some years since he hit a semi-truck in a head on collision that peeled back the roof of the car he was in and left him on the highway, his skull torn open, his life hanging in the balance. Nash survived that tragic accident, but his hospitalization prevented him from finishing high school and entering college; his long-term injuries prevented him from getting a job. But as the lead singer of Live on Arrival told… […]

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Local News

Sturgeon County passes shipping container bylaw

By Stephen Dafoe

Sturgeon County – Five months after it started, Sturgeon County Council finally passed a bylaw that will allow the use of shipping containers in some areas and prohibit them in others. Council voted 6-1 in favour of third reading of the bylaw Oct. 10 with Councillor David Kluthe casting the opposing vote… […]

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Local News

Secular school classrooms moving to board office

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Less than two months after Sturgeon School Division’s (SSD) public school commenced operation, Grade 1 to 4 students will be moving to a new venue beginning Monday according to parents of students in the program. The division has decided to remove classes from the Morinville Community Cultural Centre to their division office, located next to the Ray McDonald Sports Centre in Morinville. The move is set to take place Friday night and Saturday according to reports from parents who said they were informed by a teacher Tuesday afternoon… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Is Sturgeon County Council dysfunctional?

Watching a councillor squabbling with the mayor over a point of procedure is something that crops up from time to time in any council meeting anywhere in the country. But it seems of late to be the standard operating procedure of Sturgeon County Council, one that causes meetings to drag on longer than they perhaps should and one that (for some councillors) seems to be causing items to get left hanging along with members of Sturgeon County Administration who have to work on material brought to council… […]

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Local News

Familiar faces behind familiar counter

By Staff

Morinville – The doors to the Morinville Mac’s convenience store were closed Tuesday morning for several hours to allow a transfer from one management team to another. The running of the local convenience store passed between Hardip Gill and Barry and Rimpal Patel… […]

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Local Sports

Jets grab another two wins over the weekend

By Staff

Morinville – The Morinville Jets stuffed another four points into their record over the Thanksgiving Day weekend. The Jets took to the road Friday night, returning with a 4-2 victory over the Beaumont Braves, and capped it Sunday night at home with a 4-3 overtime victory against the Fort Saskatchewan Hawks. The back-to-back weekend wins brings the Jets to a 5-1-1 record this season and ties them with the St. Albert Merchants for top slot in the West Division of the Capital Junior Hockey League… […]

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Local News

The other side of firefighting … the bigger side

Photos by Stephen Dafoe

While it is well known fire fighters rush in when everyone else is rushing out, what is lesser known is that a considerable percentage of the calls the Morinville Fire Department respond to are vehicle collisions. As first responders, the department has a role to play in ensuring the safety of the public as well as ensuring those who may be injured are freed … […]

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Local News

Delightful treasures benefit HATS

By Lucie Roy

Morinville – The Share our Bounty garage sale and silent auction hosted by the Morinville & District Hands Across the Sea (HATS) – Grandmothers to Grandmothers Group was held Oct. 8 at the Morinville United Church. Many interesting items were up for sale with all proceeds going to support African Grandmothers through the Stephen Lewis Foundation… […]

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Local News

Monday Morning News Oct. 10 edition

The Oct. 10 issue of Monday Morning News hits store counters and shelves today. This week’s issue is 32 pages of news views and things to see and do in Morinville. for those unable to get a copy at one of the 50 locations in town, you can download this week’s… […]