
Comment: Youth and opioids: What parents need to know

(NC) With 21.5 million opioid prescriptions dispensed in 2016, Canada is the second highest per capita consumer of opioids worldwide. Anyone using opioids is at risk of an overdose, including young people that are prescribed opioids for a number of reasons such as dental surgery or sports injuries. […]

Local News

County sets date to fill Division 2 vacancy

September 17, 2019 will be the date Sturgeon County voters in Division 2 go to the polls to elect a councillor to fill the role left vacant by two-term Councillor Susan Evans who resigned June 27. […]

Local News

Lions receive 2nd Largest pull can tab donation

The Lions Club of Morinville received their second largest aluminum pull tab donation.
Eileen and Frank Vollmer submitted the photo with Eileen and Lions Club of Morinville member Francis Fryters and the 45-gallon drum filled with tabs. […]

National News

Comment: Curbing the opioid crisis in small cities

(NC) It’s a common misconception that large cities are most affected by opioid use and abuse. But recent stats show residents in communities of 50,000 to 100,000 people are 2.5 times more likely to be hospitalized due to opioid overdose than those in large metropolitan centres.