
Column: Canadians left guessing about probe into Ottawa attack

On a Sunday evening, four days after the storming of Parliament Hill, the RCMP provided an unsolicited and detailed update, telling us it had “identified persuasive evidence that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau’s attack was driven by ideological and political motives.”… […]


Healthy Routes: Staying Healthy for the Holidays

by Glady Kublik – Neighbors Vitamin Shop

The Christmas Holiday season is not far away and everyone is busy preparing for family gatherings, workplace parties and numerous social functions. With the hustle and bustle starting earlier every year, it seems we are totally worn out by the time Christmas comes and susceptible to every virus we come in contact with. There are many ways to protect and support our immune system to keep us healthy for the holidays and the rest of the winter also… […]


Don’t expect allegations to be cleared up soon

by Chantal HÈbert

In the matter of the alleged sexual misconduct that led Justin Trudeau to suspend two male MPs earlier this month, the ball is no longer solely in the Liberal leader’s court. But where it will ultimately land is anybody’s guess… […]


Column: Joe Morinville

The Christmas season is a time to stop and remember the important traditions, including fruitcake. Sit again with your children or friends, regardless of their age, and watch a Christmas cartoon! Here are the ones what I like… […]


Column: The Versus Debate

by Lori Shupak, Physical Therapist
Morinville Physical Therapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Frequently patients ask questions regarding the following:

Ice versus Heat: Both of these agents can be helpful in decreasing inflammation, however the timing of… […]


Morinville Housing Report

Fall has hit, thankfully not winter, and prices have also fallen. Seems the decreased sale prices have also decreased the number of days it’s taken a home to sell…. […]


Column: Joe Morinville

You folks what know me know I’m a pretty even tempered guy what doesn’t get too upset and always tries to look at the positive side of stuff. But there’s some stuff that got me good and upset this week. So without farther ado, here is what’s got me madder than a meat eater at an all-you-can-eat vegan buffet… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

It was a good week last week to be German or pretend you are German for the night. That Octoberfest event at the cultural centre was real good even if the lineup was long and made the missus impatient… […]

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Column: Healthy Routes

An article in the Science and Technology section of the September 20th edition of The Economist illustrates again how important our digestive health is to our overall health. We have discussed various aspects of this through a series of articles on the theme “Health through Digestion” … […]

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Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives

Working smoke alarms can make a life-saving difference in a fire. That’s the message behind this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month!”… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

I know it was 10 days ago that Diamond Jim Prentice announced his new cabinet and you already read all there is to read about all of that going on with the PCs, but you ain’t read my thoughts yet… […]