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Column: Joe Morinville

I see the government has a survey on the internets what you can vote on a new licence plate for Alberta to use. I don’t know why we need a new plate but I bet with everything going on and their chances in the next election they do not want Wildrose Country on the plates anymore. Not sure what plate gets picked, but I bet more Albertans will vote for stupid licence plates than vote for the next premier. Anyway here’s my ideas. … […]

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Morinville Housing Report

by Doris Jolicoeur, CD, ABR, CCSP
Associate Broker/Realtor, Professional Realty Group Mortgage Associate, Verico Brokers for Life

Morinville’s always been known to be a few months behind our surrounding larger communities, but the gains in the housing market we experienced last month might show the gap tightening… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

I noticed a photo what got posted online of a bunch of geese and it was referred to as a gaggle. I had to look it up on the Google but I learnt that almost every kind of animal has a different name when there’s a bunch of them. Made me think of how them words might be used to describe other groups of folk… […]

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Dr. Oz Column: Vaccine Myths and Truths

by Michael Roizen, M.D., and Mehmet Oz, M.D.

Measles is making a comeback, with a 20-year high in reported infections, due mostly to folks who are opting out of the vaccination, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Across the nation, an epidemic of whooping cough in California, outbreaks of chickenpox in Indiana and measles in Ohio have made national headlines…. […]

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Column: The Wheelbarrow Gardener – There is much to consider about garden mulch

As a gardener there are many things to consider about the garden when designing, building or maintaining one. Types and quantity of plants, colours of flowers, heights of trees, garden decor such as lighting, bird baths etc, but few give consideration to what type of mulch if any they are going to use in the garden. … […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

Folks haven’t seen much of me lately in The Morinville News but I bet with summer now here and news getting scarcer than a pay raise from the publisher of this rag I’ll soon be asked to do a full page of my wisdom. But until then, here is a half page on the joys of summer in Morinville… […]

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Conservative views: Cultural Programming needs Community Involvement

by Calli Stromner

June 24 marked a significant milestone in the ongoing story of Morinville’s Community Cultural Centre (CCC) and its beleaguered Performance Series. After months of begging and hounding, Council finally received the grim news from administration that the taxpayer-funded series has been bleeding money since January. For the first five months of 2014, the Town has lost at least $26,000 with half of that coming from the Calvin Vollrath show in May… […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

Last couple weeks I got cut from this rag and this week they said I could come in but I had to keep my column down to one column width. So they made me skinny this week without having to diet… […]

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Morinville Housing Report

It seems that the increased activity in Morinville experienced a slow down in the month of May. We are now showing normal activity and price fluctuations compared to the last few months… […]

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Healthy Routes Column: Probiotics or Digestive Enzymes?

by Gladys Kublic, coowner Neighbors Vitamin Shop

This is a question we are frequently asked at Neighbors Vitamin Shop. It is also a question which we can successfully answer for anyone from infants to the elderly… […]

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Progressive Views Column: Town needs to provide quality public services

The role of government in nearly all matters is – and has been for centuries – at the centre of political rhetoric. This dialogue on what government should or shouldn’t engage in is what has defined the rift between left and right wing politics, and while many claim to exist at an equilibrium between the two perspectives, in reality all people fall more towards one of the two points on the political spectrum. These issues of the role and purpose of government face our community today more than ever, particularly with issues on the future of recreation and art within our community…. […]

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Column: Joe Morinville

Keeping it super simple this week because it is almost summer and I prefer to spend my time looking at old cars and being happy, not sitting indoors trying to figure what to write about for my weekly column… […]

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Dr. Oz Column: Deeper sleep without drugs

Skimping on shut-eye isn’t North America’s only sleep crisis. Many people turn in on time yet miss out on deep, refreshing slumber, and that’s one reason why 61 percent of women and 45 percent of men wake up feeling tired at least some of the time. Unfortunately, that lack of deep sleep leads to health issues that you worry about, that keep you up at night, that … well, you see the problem. […]