Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Applications open for Canada Post Community Foundation grants

The Canada Post Community Foundation is now accepting grant applications for 2023. Canadian charities, schools and community organizations that provide programming for children and youth (up to age 21) can apply for the grants, which range in value up to $25,000. […]

Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies Convention sees two scholarships in the region

The Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies held its Annual Convention February 2 – 4th at the River Cree Resort & Casino in Edmonton, presented by Servus Credit Union, attracting 350 delegates from 70 plus Ag Societies from across the province as well as guests from Ag Societies in Saskatchewan, Ontario and Manitoba. […]

Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Alberta Student Loan Interest Shock!

Interest rates for Alberta Student Loans have increased 7 times in the past year leaving newly graduated students with dramatically increasing debt.  On her Alberta Loan of $10,960, my daughter will end up paying $4500 – $5000 in interest when her loans are totally paid off in 9.5 years at the current rates.  […]

Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Knights of Columbus appreciative of community support

The Knights of Columbus on behalf of St Jean Baptiste Parish and the Midstream Support Society would like to acknowledge the generosity of the businesses, church groups, schools, clubs and the many individuals who donated food, toys and money towards the annual Christmas Hamper Program. […]

Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Merry Christmas

Festive season is a special time of year for many of us in Morinville and the surrounding area, but all the more so this year when we can gather together as a community. […]

Bill 15
Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Resident appreciative of Budget efforts

Just wanted to make sure that we thanked each and everyone on Council for their efforts on reviewing the budget details and asking the many hard questions that needed to be addressed.  […]

Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Jandel Homes hosts successful cocktail reception for Fill a House campaign

Jandel Homes hosted its annual Fill A House cocktail reception and silent auction last night (December 6) at their Meadows of Morinville Sales Centre. They once again partnered with the Morinville Adopt A Family program, which helps ensure that families in Morinville and Sturgeon County enjoy a wonderful Christmas season by providing them with Christmas hampers. […]

Bill 15
Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Knights of Columbus Christmas Hamper Project underway

The Knights of Columbus, St. Anne Council, are pleased to announce that they will be coordinating the Christmas Hamper Project for Morinville and district.  Last year over 100 hampers containing food and children’s toys and gifts were distributed to needy families in our community. […]