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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 11


The 100 Street / Cardiff Road / Highway 2 intersection is now a genuine safety hazard. South Glens is completed, Cardiff is growing, and the southbound turn onto Highway 2 is most often a half-blind turn when traffic is in the slowdown lane. I have read the 2004 Transportation Master Plan on the town website in detail, and this intersection was seen as a major safety priority, and absolutely nothing has been done in the six years since. […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 10

Local business has been a hot topic of discussion recently. Namely, the lack thereof and/or the poor support a lot of them get. How do you feel we should address this issue and should it not start with the Town itself? […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 9

A recent article in this publication stated that the photo radar contractor racked up 8,662 tickets (56% of them from out of town) for a total of $1, 088, 534 in fines!. Seeing as how the population of Morinville is only 6,775, how can anyone in their right mind expect … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 8

The transit service that was offered by Town of Morinville, through contract with the City of St. Albert was cancelled in the spring due to low ridership. This lack of ridership may have been due to lack of promotion of the service as well as possible inconvenient times of the service being offered, once early … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 7

With a residential / commercial tax split of approximately 93 per cent to seven per cent, the need to redress the balance has been raised by several candidates. Given that Morinville is uniquely challenged by its close proximity to not one but two major shopping centres, what are your plans or ideas … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 6


Now that the Community Centre is well underway of being built, what do you see as potential assets to the school system in utilizing this nearby facility to improve our children’s education?

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 5

I have lived on 95 Street and 95 Avenue for many years. The traffic flow and the speed which the vehicles are traveling at has steadily increased. In fact, one of the council members winds up with vehicles on his front lawn every winter due to high speeds and winter conditions … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 4

With all the walking trails we have Morinville is a great place to get out with your dog and see the sites. The problem is there are other people with their dogs on the walking trails doing the same thing … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 3

1/ Given the large residential population and attempt to showcase Morinville as a friendly clean place to live, what would you do regarding the foul odour currently being produced by the Morinville dog food plant? Would you be in support of a strong air quality bylaw … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Question 2

There have been complaints that not all residence feel fairly represented with regards to the building of the Morinville Community Cultural Centre. Adjacent residences feel threatened that they will loose their ability to enjoy peace and quiet in their homes, health concerns related … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Guest Editorial: Council candidate Jackie Luker-Chevalier

By Jackie Luker-Chevalier

Prior to moving to Morinville 4 years ago my husband (Joel Chevalier of Investors Group) and I lived in the small northern town of Fort Nelson, B.C.

While there we were both working as teachers. Myself in elementary and Joel with at risk … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Guest Editorial: Division 4 council candidate Al Homeniuk

By Al Homeniuk

I attended a meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 21st in Villeneuve. The meeting was organized by the Sturgeon Blue Line Group, a group of concerned citizens who are opposed to the way the current provincial government is changing our laws in order to expedite the installation of high voltage power lines throughout the province.

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate – Question No. 1

To all town council / mayoral candidates; I would like to know what if anything you hope / plan to do to clean up our town. Specifically I point to the empty and most often ugly lots on 100 Avenue and the awful smell coming from … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Ask-A-Candidate Online begins today

By Stephen Dafoe

A personal friend of mine running for mayor in another jurisdiction is fond of looking at his political campaign as being down one vote with a week to go. As such, he works tirelessly to make sure that he gets his message out to the voters … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Guest Editorial: Council candidate Paul Krauskopf

Guest Editorial by Paul Kraus Kopf

I was born and raised in Morinville. For many years I was in the retail sector and I worked for Sturgeon School Division for 16 years as a teaching assistant in Special Education. I retired from there two years ago. Currently I sit on the Attendance Board of Alberta Education as a continuation of my interest in education … […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Yes, Morinville, you will get your All-Candidates Forum editorial

By Stephen Dafoe

In the last municipal election, Morinville’s mayor and six councillors were acclaimed. Acclaimed is a nice way of succinctly saying there were not enough civically-minded people in this community willing to commit to the time needed to force an election … […]