Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Party politics are the problem

The system has become more focused on winning elections than serving the people. This trend has led to citizens feeling disconnected from the political process and disenchanted with the state of democracy. […]


Column: Alberta Munis unhappy about feds downloading RCMP retroactive pay raise on municipalities

Alberta Municipalities (ABmunis) was dismayed to learn late last week that those member communities that contract local police services through Alberta’s RCMP owe $60 million to the federal government for the RCMP’s recent pay increase, which is retroactive to April 1, 2017. […]

Bill 15
Editorial & Opinion

Letter: G3 Grow Beyond Scholarships open until Apr. 26

G3 launched the scholarship in 2020 and every year has awarded it to 6 bright young students with inspiring visions for the future of agriculture in Canada. This year, G3 is increasing the scholarship amount to $5000. […]

Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Charity car wash on this weekend in Morinville

On March 31 and April 1, 2023, car washes from coast to coast will participate in this initiative through a variety of activities that promote community building, philanthropy and contributing to a great cause. […]

Crime & Police

Protect yourself from debit and credit card fraud

(NC) In the past year, Canadians have lost millions of dollars to fraud and scams. When it comes to debit and credit card fraud, scammers are finding new ways to steal personal and financial information, so it’s important to know your rights and responsibilities, and how to protect yourself. […]