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RCMP offer safe practices for business and community during COVID-19

St. Albert RCMP members are increasing their pro-active patrols throughout business areas and in city neighbourhoods, while business owners and the community follow Alberta Health Services direction to work remotely at home, self isolate and/or social distancing.


Letter: JMMF provides update on Jessie’s House and announces modified services in response to Covid-19 Pandemic

The rapidly changing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is unsettling, changing daily life and the operations of many businesses, schools and workplaces. Despite the upheaval, we continue to prioritize the health and well-being of our program participants, staff and community of supporters. […]


Letter:RE: postponement of screening mammograms, and the status of other medical imaging tests

Your Radiologists (specialized medical imaging doctors) provide this essential service to fellow Albertans in both AHS hospital sites and in our community clinics, with only four hundred or so actively practicing Radiologists in Alberta handling three million exams per year in […]


Alberta COVID-19 cases rise 22 to 119

Alberta has confirmed 22 additional cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 119. Currently, 83 cases in the Calgary zone, 27 cases in the Edmonton zone, four cases in the North zone, three cases in the Central zone, and two cases in the South zone. […]

Crime & Police

Letter: March is Fraud Prevention Month

St. Albert RCMP want to raise attention to Fraud Prevention Month, whether the scam occurs via the internet, phone, mail or door-to-door, society needs to informed and vigilant. In 2019, there were over 46,000 frauds reported and $98 million lost to fraud in Canada.